Would it be wrong to say that our skin starts to age the moment we are born? Probably not.

So should we start using anti-aging products the moment we come out of the womb? 

What is Skin Aging Really?

 Signs of aging usually include appearance of wrinkles and pigment spots, skin losing its elasticity and fullness, pores and acne scars becoming more vivid, blemishes appearing alongside the lower jaw.

This all mainly happens because the ground substance of the dermis (mainly hyaluronic acid) and structural proteins (collagen and elastin) begin to wilt and degrade. Epidermis produces less oils, making skin drier, thinner and more sensitive.

 When Does Aging Begin?

This interesting question doesn't have a certain answer, as it really depends.

There are sources, telling us that skin starts to age as early as in our twenties, and right after we hit thirty we begin to finally notice it.

At the same time there are many factors that influence the way our skin changes with time: genes, skin color, life habits and the environment (with UV exposure in the first place).

When skin ages naturally it's called intrinsic aging and with proper care it doesn't happen very fast. The healthier your skin is, the longer it looks youthful.

But the stress our skin has to deal with nowadays leads to premature aging, which is also called extrinsic and is mainly caused by external factors.

Skin care Routine After 30

So the question remains: should you start using anti-aging products as soon as you turn 30? Again it depends.

While it's true that in our thirties cell renewal and turnover slows down, which can result in uneven skin tone and dull complexion. But if you've been taking good care of yourself, you might not even notice this.

"Good care of yourself" suggests: 

  • - Eating well and healthy with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • This helps to prevent premature aging, whilst sugar and other processed carbs accelerate it. Drink enough water. Remember that smoking and drinking alcohol dehydrates and damages skin.
  • - Exercising moderately but every day.
  • This improves blood circulation, makes toxins leave your body faster, boosts the immune system, which ultimately reflects in your skin. If you add regular facial gymnastics you'll be surprised how fast you can diminish the signs of aging, improving muscle tone naturally;
  • - Relaxing more often.

Stress is the major cause of extrinsic aging. Muscles in distress (constant stress) tend to create hypertension, which weakens them with time and makes them lose elasticity. This goes for facial muscles as well.

- We often don't notice how our facial expression changes while we are in our thoughts. Be aware of the tension in your face: relax your jaws, forehead, eyeballs regularly throughout the day.

  • - Using gentle skin care products suitable for your skin type.
  • Adjust throughout the year and whenever the conditions change.

Don't use too many products. Applying too many different products to your skin can irritate it and make it lose its protection. Choose products with multifunctional properties instead. Do not use products that sting or burn, or use them under control of your dermatologist.

Natural Anti-Aging Skincare.

Natural skincare products without chemicals, harsh ingredients and fragrance help your skin to keep its protective oils, elasticity and youthful look.

Plant-derived ingredients contain vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants that can help protect your skin and keep that youthful glow.

Powerful Antioxidants protect your skin from pre-mature aging.

Best Natural Ingredients for aging skin.

  1.  Certain natural ingredients have become very popular in cosmetics over the years, and even centuries, and have proven their potency. Here are a few great ones to look for in your skin care products to help keep your skin healthy and young 

Ginkgo Biloba.

  1.  The Ginkgo Biloba tree is one of the few living fossils on our planet. It practically hasn't changed compared to its ancestors, which had grown 40 million years before the appearance of dinosaurs. In the Jurassic period they covered all the Earth.
  2. The lifespan of ginkgo trees is unknown, but scientists discovered that some of the trees, surrounding monasteries in South China, are older than a 1000 years.

    So it is no surprise that Ginkgo has been used in Asian medicine since the beginning of time.

    Ginkgo extract contains tocopherol (vitamin E), which accelerates all the regeneration processes. Proanthocyanidins and flavonoids are also powerful antioxidants, they help to restore natural renewal of the skin.

    Ginkgo extract promotes the synthesis of collagen, evens out skin texture and strengthens its defense mechanisms - in particular against UV-rays. 

Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica Extract) .

"One, who eats two leaves of mandukaparni a day, deceives old age", - a senegalese saying.
This plant has multiple names in Asia, but most westerners know it as Gotu Kola.
Centella Asiatica has been used in traditional Chinese, Malaysian and Indian medicine for more than three thousand years. It is believed that people learned to use it from Asian tigers: wounded tigers look for places where centella grows, roll around and their wounds heal fast.
Modern scientists proved tigers right and found out that centella extract has a whole range of different healing properties
It is capable of accelerating the synthesis of collagen and contains such elements like phytosterols, fatty acids and amino acids that help to recover the barrier properties of the skin, its ability to keep moisture and its desensitization
Regular use of the products with Gotu Kola makes blood vessels less fragile and less permeable. This helps to restore microcirculation in the smallest capillaries, which is especially important for aging and damaged skin. 

White Willow.

Willow bark is one of the ancient pharmaceuticals which is still in use. It is said that Hippocrates recommended chewing willow bark for headaches, toothaches, colds and fever.
Its Latin name (Salix) gave the name to the major substance derived from willow bark - salicin - which later was synthesized into aspirin.

White Willow has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to alleviate acne, to regulate oil production, and to reduce wrinkles.

Salicylic acid also comes from this plant, and is used in cosmetology as a natural preservative.

Another great quality is an ability to accelerate skin's renewal. Depending on the concentration, it may make skin peel almost immediately or, in small amounts, help skin to restore its natural regeneration rhythm.

White willow extract also contains tannins which have antiseptic and protective properties, and help to shrink pores, even in aging skin.


Kelp Extract.

Whether you want to protect your skin from UV rays and free radicals (and you sure do), decrease sebum production, deal with redness and irritation, moisturize and keep skin hydrated, reduce the depth of wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, kelp is a truly all-inclusive ingredient
Almost all algae contain alginic acid, which is highly active and multifunctional. Some properties work great in skincare, as it is able to moisturize the skin, neutralize bacteria and eliminate excessive moisture.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids of many algae are perceived by human skin as native and are especially beneficial for aging skin, lacking omega-acids.
Kelp is a large seaweed, packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and other properties, making it one of the universal ingredients for any skin type.


Rosy Lana Skincare Routine For Aging Skin

  1.  You will find all these luxurious industry-leading ingredients in Rosy Lana skincare. Combined to bring out their best that nature has to offer and to save you from buying too many skin products.
  2. Try our Hydrabright Daily Set to help prevent your skin from premature aging:

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